Correctly Installing House Wrap
When installing windows simultaneously with installing house wrap, make what is called a “martini” cut in the window opening. As you can see the cut looks like an upside down martini glass.

There are many products on the market today to use on window and door sills. Some great, some not so great. I do not advocate not using or using these products. Just be sure to read and follow any manufacturers directions. Failure to follow them could result in a void of your warranty.

Then your can apply caulking around the top and sides of the rough opening. Most recommend not to caulk the bottom or sill to allow any water to get out if it does make it’s way into the opening. In my opinion, if the rest of the installation is done correctly then no water should penetrate anyways. I’ll leave that one up to you. “To caulk or not to caulk” the sill.

Once you have everything plumb, level and square; finish nailing the perimeter of the window.

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