Benefits For Homeowners

homeowner Sometimes you want to tackle that door hanging project on your own. Let there be no reason to fear how to hang a door any longer. This system allows you to have the confidence to install doors wherever you need.

Want to replace that problem door someone has been complaining about? Need help with that new French door you just purchased? Are you finishing or remodeling in the basement? Maybe you have even taken on the task of building your own home. Rather than hiring an expensive professional – even if you have never hung a door in your life, EZ-Hang is for you! Believe it; you can and will hang a door like a pro or a seasoned DIY.

Let there be no reason to fear how to hang a door any longer. This system allows you to have the confidence to install doors wherever you need.

There is no easier or quicker way to complete your door project. With EZ-Hang, you’ll have all the components (7 brackets and all screws), installation instructions and door hanging tips you’ll need. So take that Saturday morning and spend a little time installing a door and a lot of time just kicking back, watching that big game, or take that special someone to dinner with the time and money saved. 


Contact us with any questions. Or, check out our product page to get started!